Kevin continued to update the condo and I believe that it will be completed soon. He has done a tremendous job but the down side of it all was that his time away left Ellia and I alone a lot during August. However it was perfect bonding time for her and I since I am sure I will be a little distracted when the baby comes. She is still my little princess and makes me smile each and every day. Her silly personality is developing more and more. We enjoyed playing with her babies, dress up, reading time, bubbles, chalk, hide & seek and flying a kite outside. Oh little lady, please don’t grow up too fast. How Daddy and I enjoy you so much! There is no one that could ever replace you.
The biggest event in August was going to Idlewild Park with the kids. It was the Kauffman, Foulk, Angelo families and Nana /Papa that headed out on Saturday the 13th. We got there just when the park opened and never stopped.
First place we went was to Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood ride. Ellia has seen a couple episodes of Mr. Rogers' so she was a little familiar with everything. She was so excited to ride on the trolley and enjoyed the story that was told along the way. It is crazy that ride has been at the park for 20 years...I remember when it opened and you had to stand in line for almost an hour!
We had some lunch, road the train and then it was off to story book forest, which hasn’t changed much since I was little. It was surreal to take pictures of Ellia and remember pictures of my sister and I enjoying the same thing from way back when. The girls really enjoyed all the nursery rhymes, got their pictures taken with mother goose and the little old lady that lives in a shoe, tried to pull the sword from the stone and made wishes in the wishing well. I think Jack and Jill were Ellia’s favorite. She kept asking what happened to them and then would repeat the nursery rhyme. Very concerned about Jack hitting his head.
Next we headed to the merry-go-round and then to kitty land. I wasn’t sure how Ellia would be with the rides since last year when we were at Kennywood she got really upset. But this time she loved everything. Her favorite was a car ride, which reminded me of the old turnpike ride from Kennywood but for little kids. She wanted to get the purple car to ride in and I kept telling her that whatever car happened to be there when it was her turn was the car she would get. Well wouldn’t you know that the car that happened to be there was the purple car. And not just for the first ride but also the second time when she road with Magerie she got the purple car again. Kristin and I had visions of the girls at 16 for a split second cruising around town. Garrett loved all the rides too and the adults enjoyed watching the kids reactions. Hannah even had fun watching her cousins. Next year she will be able to ride too.
We then ate dinner, road the merry-go-round again, played some games and Aunt Kelly gave Ellia a quick softball lesson in the parking lot before we headed home. It was a very long day but the kids enjoyed it so much.
Weekend of August 20th there was outlet shopping with cousin Alex and then that evening, the annual Greek Food Festival where Ellia enjoyed some Greek food, playing cars with Simeon and of course Greek dancing.
Then that Sunday the 21st we celebrated Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ron’s birthday’s, since Kelly’s is on the 23rd and Ron’s is the 26th of August. We went to Bravo’s for dinner and then back to the Kauffman's house for cake and gifts.
On day during the week while Kevin was at the condo Ellia and I went to visit the old Pennsbury Park. It is her favorite park and I just can’t believe how big she is getting when I look at these pictures. I have pictures of her doing the exact same thing last year and to see the difference is amazing. She tackles everything all by herself now. I think she thinks it is a park just for her since no one else is ever there when we go. I know this park is one thing she misses since we moved. Good thing we are still close.
On August 27th Kevin and I got to as close as a date night as we could. We went to a Greek wedding for our friends Michael and Maria at the Carnegie Music Hall. What a wedding it was. The hall was gorgeous. All marble and you had to walk through the Carnegie museum to get to the room where the wedding was. We enjoyed some Greek dancing and time with friends. Oh and included is a picture of me at 35 weeks! Ellia really wanted to come with us but enjoyed time with Nana and Papa. We brought her home some cookies and I think that made up for it!
The next day Kevin had a golf outing so Ellia and I went to Nana and Papa’s church with Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ron. We all went over to Great Grandma (GG) Angelo's for lunch and to visit. Ellia of course had to hold baby Hannah and I got some great pictures of GG with her oldest and youngest great grandchildren.
And the last day of August we had my friend Valerie over to the house with her kids. Her daughter (Victoria) just turned 5 and her twin boys (Will and Bobby) are almost 2 now. Valerie and I went to college together. The kids had a great time playing together and Valerie and I had some much needed adult time. The kids are all growing up so fast!
Well school is back on track and fall is really just around the corner. I’m looking forward to the leaves turning and fall festivals coming up. The first couple days / weekend of September were already packed with fun activities as far as Birthday’s go. That is a post for another day. Hopefully I will be posting before the baby comes…Until next time… love and blessings as always.
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