Here is the kitchen , powder room and living room.

Here is upstairs, Ellia’s old room, the bathroom and our old bedroom.
On the 9th my cousin Melissa was getting married. Another chance for Mommy and Daddy to get dressed up and pretend that we were on a date. It was a fun night for us to catch up with family and enjoy a spectacular cookie table as well as candy bar!!! We snagged some goody bags and this was the best present we could have brought home for Ellia! She of course enjoyed a fun filled evening with Nana and Papa. The reception was near the Meadow Lands and after the church service there was time to kill before the reception. Kevin, Myself, Jen and Dave headed over to the casino to test our luck. We broke even, so I consider it a successful attempt! We managed to get some great pictures with the majority of the cousins and some Ollis family ones as well. Oh and I am 37 weeks in these pictures. Congrats Melissa and Tim!

Saturday the 10th we unfortunately had to say goodbye to a wonderful lady, Betty Curry. She is the grandma of Kevin’s cousins Wendy, Billy, Adam and Jacki (Joey, Reese and Gracie’s great grandma). However, the Angelo’s were close to her for so many years that she was like an extended grandma to them all. I wasn’t sure how Ellia would react to the funeral and she kept asking why Mrs. Curry was sleeping or if she would wake up. We told her she would wake up in Heaven with Jesus. It is amazing how her little brain processed this and said to me, Jesus loves her… Amen! Oh yes He does Ellia. Jesus loves us all so much! I think she said this because every time we pray before we leave for work / school, before bed time and in the morning when we wake up we usually say at the end of our prayers “I love you Jesus, Amen”. So she might have said this because she thought Betty was sleeping and would soon wake up. It was a beautiful and touching ceremony on Saturday to honor Betty. Here are just a couple of pictures of the kids from that day, cousins playing so nice together. A beautiful extension of the generations from the life we just celebrated.
The weekend of September 17th we had baby Hannah’s baptism. Ellia was so excited for this day and kept talking about how Hannah was having a party with Jesus. So cute! It was a wonderful day and a very intimate ceremony. Kelly and Ron really expressed their desire to give the respect and gratitude back to the Lord for blessing them with such a special gift in the life of Hannah. Ron sang “Who am I” by Casting Crowns to honor the blessed event, then immediate family gathered around during a very personal prayer time that Ron and Papa lead. After water was poured on Hannah and we all clapped, Ellia said in a very loud voice, “what happened?”, which put a smile and laugh on all our faces. The whole week after the baptism she kept asking about why Hannah had water poured on her head. And we tell her Hannah was baptized to know Jesus. Again she said, “Because Jesus Love her?” You got it girl!! Congrats to Kelly, Ron and their precious little lady Hannah Elizabeth Kauffman. May the Lord continue to bless you all and use little Hannah’s life to bring glory to his Kingdom! Hannah, God has such great plans for your little life!!! We can’t wait to see how he displays His light within you.
Here I am at 38 weeks!!! Only a couple weeks left… if that! I had to also get some Angelo family pictures of just the 3 of us. Soon we will be 4!!! Amazing!!!
I had to throw in some pictures of a beautiful sunset we caught off our deck the Sunday after Hannah’s baptism. Ellia was enthralled with how the sky was pink and purple. I was enthralled with the peaceful presence of God’s glory. Just beautiful. God is so good!
During the weeks in-between all these events Ellia has been helping Mommy get things ready for her Brother. She has been helping with the laundry and when we put something out for the baby, like the pack and play or get the crib together, Ellia’s babies soon take over. She role plays so well and will be an excellent help when her brother comes. She talks about holding him and changing his poopy diapers....haha. Here are some pictures of Little Miss Mommy Ellia and her babies. She lined them all up and then sat down next to them. They just happened to be at a party. I just happened to make sure I got the camera out!
Well I have kept your attention long enough. I will be trying to work up until my due date so we will keep you posted! Until then…as always…Love and Blessings to you!
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