Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The rest of July – Moving Day, Alex’s Birthday and more!

So the big move was on July 15th! I know I would have impressed you all if I had pictures of us actually moving BUT, that was one more thing that I didn’t think of at the time. It was insanity, however everything ran rather smoothly. The week leading up to the move was pure craziness since every night was spent packing and working out last minute details. Then to top it off my cold turned into a sinus infection and I found myself the day before the move at Med Express. But we had so many family and friends come on Saturday and help that everything went rather quickly. A huge thank you goes out to all of you who helped make the day a success. So far we are settling in nicely. It still is surreal that we moved and are now living in a bigger environment! Ellia loves her new house. She always asks on the way home from somewhere where we are going. If we say home she gets all upset and says “no new house”. I guess she is like me and can’t grasp the fact that we moved for good. Kevin has been working diligently now trying to update the condo so we can sell it. Ellia and I have gone over a couple times to help with cleaning and she will ask us where her toys, bed and stuff all went. When I go back to the condo I can’t believe how small it really was and how we lived there for 6 years. But we made it our home and it blessed us dearly. It was the start of our lives together as husband and wife and then kept us safe as we welcomed our little Ellia into the world. Lots of memories in that little condo which I will be forever eternally grateful. Lots of new memories to be blessed with in this new house as well. God is so good!
Ellia and Daddy have been super busy with the yard at the new house. Kevin’s thumb is starting to turn green as he deals with weeds, grass cutting, tree cutting, bugs and more. Ellia likes to run around her yard (so does Vader) and help daddy water the bushes. It is all a new adventure for us but we are enjoying it.

Speaking of new adventures, Ellia now has her big girl room! She is getting to be too grown up! We got her a little step stool to climb up on her twin bed. She is super excited and proud of her room. We have been reading a lot about becoming a big sister and this is just one more step in the process. She also has her own bathroom (for now) complete with stool so she can brush her teeth by herself. Where has my little Ellia bean gone?!

The weekend after we moved was cousin Alex’s 6th birthday! Leave it to my sister to yet again come up with a fun themed party filled with activities. Pirates would be the theme. She had a pirate’s cove complete with palm tree, pool and wooden plank. The pool was soon filled with all the kids from the party. It didn’t matter that it was so little, they had a great time taking turns going down the slide into the pool.

Then it was time for Jen’s creative treasure hunt. Each kid had their very own map that took them to a place in the yard to find their very own treasure. So cute watching the little ones find their treasure chest.

Piñata time. A treasure chest filled with goodies.

Don’t forget about walking the plank!

Cake and presents completed the party. As well as wagon rides. What a great day.

Ellia got to meet baby Tyler as well for the first time. He is Charlotte’s brother. I had a picture perfect look into the future of what our lives will soon be like. She just loves babies. We also lined the Zollinger kids, Barker kids and Miss Angelo on the couch for a group shot. Jen and I have so many memories / pictures of the same posses with Charlotte and Tyler’s mom and uncle.

And here is a belly shot of me at 30 weeks!!!

I also had to sneak in some pictures of Ellia’s time with her Papa Ollis. We had dinner over at their house and her and Papa did some drawing / hand tracing. I remember pictures of me and my dad doing the same thing. Thank goodness for whoever invented film!

So the last big activity of July wasn’t really anything Ellia related but something just for Mommy and her dear friend Beth. U2!!! That is right; me and my belly went to the concert. It was a really great night and a fantastic show. Something for Ellia to experience when she gets older. Thanks Beth for asking me to go. It brought us back to our younger years when concerts were a must every summer.

Well of course we are nearing the end of August and I have some fun things I have to share with you all from then as well. Until next time!!! Love and Blessings as always.

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