The actual 4th of July we spent time at the pool and that night we took Ellia to South Hills Village mall to watch the fireworks. This was her first experience with real fireworks. She again wasn’t sure of them at first and would cover her ears but then she got used to them and would shot out the colors as they flashed before her eyes. Traffic was crazy trying to leave the event and since we were not moving at all we let Ellia pretend she was going to drive us home. Taking the pictures made me realize we would have to save them for when she turns 16 and actually starts driving. I know it will come sooner then I think! After a 20 minute wait of not going anywhere we decided to put her in the stroller and walk over to Eat n’ Park until the parking lot cleared up. It was a fun late night for all of us.
As a recent tradition, we took off the week after the forth and had our annual staycation. It really wasn’t much of a staycation though. We planned to use the week packing up all our stuff to move into the new house. Unfortuantly our air in our condo broke, which made packing and just living there exhausting and then I got a cold as well. We tried to have some fun in the midst of it all. Kevin went golfing a couple times , Ellia and I met up with Mimi, Aunt Jen, Alex , Samantha and Uncle Dave for lunch, and pool time was great. Ellia really loves the big pool this year and we got her a tube that she loves to swim with.
And then there was the zoo. The zoo probably wasn’t the best idea since we had to walk around in the heat and then come home to the heat but we made the best of it. Ellia really got into the animals this year and Baby Hannah joined us as well for her first time to the zoo.
Friday night of that week we went to Buca di Beppo to celebrate Uncle Ron’s graduation for ITT Tech. We are so proud of him, Ellia especially. She loves her Uncle Ron!
We ended our staycation at our Church festival that weekend and Ellia loved the petting zoo. She would run up to the animals with the food or bottle and say “here you go sweetheart.” As if they were all her babies. Our little Miss Charlotte Web. She also had her first pony ride. She wasn’t scared at all. Those goats are dangerous though. They will maul you over to get the food or nibble on your close or in my case, sandles… Kevin was the one who really could stay in with Ellia and fend them off. It was funny to watch.
Well we did manage to get some packing done. We had the painter come that week we were off to paint the new house, got some new furniture ordered and the new washer and dryer installed. We actually moved the weekend of the 15th… But I will save the details of that for another post. Until then.. love and blessings as always.
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