Here is an update about all that has been going on this past month and weekend.
April 10th we went to celebrate the baptism of Isabella Angelia Stupakis. What a treat to experience a Greek baptism. The ceremony was an hour long and then a huge reception followed. Ellia enjoyed running around the hall and interacting with the other kids.

We have been of course enjoying the local park and some of my favorite pictures are of when Nana and Papa stopped by to swing and slide with Ellia.

Ellia has also been really into strawberries lately. We have been having luck with them and you can usually find her face (and shirt) covered red after enjoying a couple.
She is also into chocolate chip cookies. After a day of shopping at Costco’s we gave her a mini cookie. We were driving along and Kevin happened to glance back at her only to find a bearded lady in the back seat. Ellia thought it was hilarious. Instead of grabbing the wipes first, mommy had to grab her camera. Priceless!

We have been referring to little miss as Miss Congeniality as of lately. She is such a little talkative greeter…Always saying hi and bye, bye to everyone and usually blowing kisses as she leaves. What a ham she is. She now sings her ABC’s.. my favorite is when she gets to L,M,N,O,P because it usually all just gets mumbled together. She is also catching on more and more to things “we” meaning Kevin and I say. So now it is time to really watch exactly what we say. Example, I call Kevin Boub...just a nick name we have had for each other since our dating years, well one day I was yelling “Boub” while changing Ellia because i needed something and so she decided to start yelling it as well. It came out more like “bubp!” but made me laugh so hard. She has done it now a couple of times instead of yelling Dada. Too Funny!

Her hair is growing longer, her legs too… more teeth are coming in as well as a little more attitude. She asks to watch her DDD’s (DVD’s) and lately it is Sesame Street. I bought a throwback set as well as a recap of 40 years. Can you believe Sesame Street has been on TV that long?! Maria and Louise are still on there too. It is amazing how much of the episodes Kevin and I remember. Ellia loves Elmo and also has a couple of the songs already memorized. We often get her to sing and dance to “I Got a New Way to Walk”.
This past weekend we attended yet another baptism but this time at a Russian Orthodox church. The ceremony was similar to the Greek ceremony. The symbolism throughout the whole service is so beautiful. This was for Dmitry Nicholas Bohonak. Ellia enjoyed running around with her cousin’s and eating all the delicious food at the reception.

We also took her to bowling that night. She was obsessed with the bowling balls and would clap for anyone who was bowling no matter if they got a strike or a gutter ball…such an encourager.

My baby is turning into a little girl. With curls and kisses, hugs and more, who wouldn’t love this face! She plays with her babies and takes them for walks. And when she talks, she knows exactly what she is saying. In some way I think Vader does too! Such character and love in this little person…Such an unbelievable gift from above. Lord keep her safe and in your grace. Help Kevin and I to teach her your ways so she will not stray. Thank you for her love.

We also took her to bowling that night. She was obsessed with the bowling balls and would clap for anyone who was bowling no matter if they got a strike or a gutter ball…such an encourager.

My baby is turning into a little girl. With curls and kisses, hugs and more, who wouldn’t love this face! She plays with her babies and takes them for walks. And when she talks, she knows exactly what she is saying. In some way I think Vader does too! Such character and love in this little person…Such an unbelievable gift from above. Lord keep her safe and in your grace. Help Kevin and I to teach her your ways so she will not stray. Thank you for her love.
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