What a wonderful way to describe a woman, a mother, a girlfriend, a daughter, a wife, a sister…a princess to the King! Recently this has become my favorite bible verse. It puts a smile on my face and fills my heart with great joy. To be clothed in strength… not the strength of my own but that of the Lords. In those moments when I’m overwhelmed and I feel like I will never get through, I remember this and know that He is strengthening me, helping me push on. Besides this, being clothed in dignity… to have worthiness… to be worthy and valued, being held in high esteem by HIM! All because of the Lord’s grace and as I accept this grace, He cloths me… He surrounds me… He takes away my biggest insecurities and I feel abundantly loved, abundantly humbled and abundantly grateful!
With this, I can laugh at the days to come, meaning, I can look forward to each and every day with a joyful heart. No matter what may come my way, good or bad, being “clothed” in the Lord’s love and grace gives me the ability to enjoy each moment.
This blog is filled with these moments! These moments that are so precious to me and I thank you for allowing me to share them. With that said, my Mother’s Day weekend reminded me heavily of the love that God so graciously extends to each one of us.
Having lunch with my sister and mom on Saturday was quite a challenge but turned out to be a wonderful afternoon. I need to give you some background of the morning’s events to truly get the feel.
This day was also Kevin’s birthday and I wanted to make the day special for him. While Kevin golfed, I wanted to make sure the house was in order for when he got home so my morning was rushed by me cleaning and also getting gifts wrapped for my mom and sister plus get Ellia fed, bathed and clothed (not to forget myself as well) all before 12:30. Rushing around, feeling overwhelmed, and running out of time … the above verse popped in my head. I immediately stopped and petitioned all my “good intentions” to the Lord asking him to help me accomplish what I could, all the while telling myself that I would enjoy and delight in the day no matter what! Ironically, my mom slept in and my sister started the day out with a migraine! Hmm…coincidence or God incident?! God works all for good! I was able to get the house cleaned, gifts wrapped, get Ellia ready (as well as myself )and be on time.. an hour after we originally planned. Every time throughout that day that a worrisome thought filled my head or things didn’t seem to be working out according to “my” plan…the Lord took over. The day flowed from there. Even though our choice of restaurant was changed, we enjoyed a nice lunch, exchanged gifts, and were thankful that the kids behaved! We headed to the mall, found great sales and watched the kids play at the mall play yard. Kevin was able to come home to a nice clean house, relax and even take a nap. I made it home in time for Kevin and I to go to dinner at a new Japanese Steak house where we enjoyed sushi and an atmosphere similar to the restaurant we visited in Aruba on our honeymoon. We also enjoyed a cocktail or two and each other’s company. Nana and Papa had Ellia in bed by the time we got home… what a GREAT-Full day!
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. Numbers 6:25

Children’s children are a crown to the aged and parents are the pride of their children. Proverbs 17:6

Sunday we headed to church. Kevin helped served lunch at the special Mother’s Day brunch after service, which Ellia and I enjoyed. It warmed my heart to see Kevin cheerfully greet mothers and their families. Again I felt thankful for that moment.. for Kevin.. for our life together.
That evening we met Nana Angelo and family for dinner at Rock Bottom. Ellia enjoyed eating an extremely sugar filled cookie afterwards and I enjoyed watching her act silly. She of course is my joy for whom I continually praise the Lord.

Monday was Muffins with Mom at daycare. I refer to the women who take care of Ellia every day during the work week as her adoptive mothers. I am so thankful for the loving care they provide.

With all the events that transpired over the weekend, Monday came and my husband humbly apologized for letting Mother’s day slip away without “getting” me something. He as already given me so much! However, little does he know that his sincerity on Monday with surprise flowers and thoughtful card was more meaningful to me than him getting it “right”. Who's to say he didn't get it right! I think it was the way it was meant to be and at that moment...I again reflected on my new favorite verse with a simile on my face...She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25

Thank you for sharing in my heartfelt joy. God is so good! I hope all of you women had a wonderful weekend as well. And maybe if it wasn’t this particular weekend I’m sure there is one out there that you've had or will have. My example of God strengthening me might seem minimal but it is important to me because trust is built into these simple trials and helps prepare me to continue to trust in Him for whatever may come my way. We as women should relish in the beauty God has given us and enjoy each moment no matter if we are a mother, daughter, friend, wife, sister... we are beautiful in His sight and He delights in us… just as we are. Please remember this my dear friends! I pray that my daughter may read this one day and see how imperfect I am but how perfect HE is! To Him be the glory. To Him be the thanks, for our time here is short but his grace is forever extended to us...I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 4
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