Ellia also loves to interact with Vader. Her face lights up when he enters the room and she wants to give him hugs all the time. He plays along with the idea but lets out a yelp or two when she pulls too hard on his ears. She is very strong and Kevin and I find that we have to “yelp” now and then as she grabs at our faces and arms. It is too funny. We are still encouraging crawling. She just pushes off with her little legs and manages to move in a complete circle. Kevin says she will be crawling in two weeks.. we will see.

This past weekend was packed with parties!!! Friday night we met Mimi & Papie Ollis at Red Lobster for dinner. Ellia was well behaved and enjoyed throwing her cereal puffs on the floor. She got upset with the waiter that swept them up. We also went to Rita’s and Ellia loved tasting mommy’s Galati.

Saturday was cousin Zoe’s 2nd birthday party. The girls are too cute with each other. This was Ellia’s first birthday party. She loved sitting outside in the grass and getting a taste of birthday cake. She also screamed in excitement as Zoe opened her gifts while cousin Sammy “swam” on the floor.

Sunday we had Angela’s baby shower. Kevin came and helped prepare the food with Nick. It was the biggest baby shower I have ever been too!!!! Angela doesn’t even look pregnant and got everything that she could ever need for the baby. Such a beautiful day for her and Nick. Again, I have to count my lucky stars at how well Ellia behaves at events. She was full of entertainment.

Then it was off to cousin Alex’s 4th birthday party. We got to see baby Charlotte, cousin’s Mia and Zoe again and of course Alex and Sammy. Ellia tried Mac & Cheese for the first time and some potatoes. She loves trying regular food and always wants some of what we are eating. The best part of the day was a visit from Batman himself at Alex’s party. Alex’s Papie Barker dressed up like Batman and made a grand appearance. From far away Alex was convinced but once he saw batman up close he said “that's papa” then went back to opening gifts. It was cute though and we give Mr. Baker props for dressing up in a complete black costume on such a humid day.

Ellia crashed in the car ride home and slept till about 10pm. She was all smiles but easily went back to sleep. She is getting a little better with sleeping at night but still wakes up if she wants her bink or to be rocked. I am trying some nights to just let her babble in her crib and complain without too much crying.
This coming weekend we have another party to go to. Baby Chad turns 2! This is one of Ellia’s future boyfriends..hehe.
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