Thursday, March 12, 2009

4 months old!

Ellia had her 4 month old check up yesterday. She is 13 lbs. 12oz and 25 3/8" long. She also had to get her second round of shots. poor thing.. she must have known what was coming because she cried so hard even before the nurse started anything. This past weekend was fun. Friday night we went with Aunt Jen, cousin Alex and Samantha and Mimi Ollis to visit Papie Ollis. The girls are so cute next to each other and Alex loves to interact with Ellia. Ellia looks at him like he is crazy but seems to want to get up and go too. Saturday was Aunt Kelly's bridal shower. Then Saturday night mommy and daddy went bowling while Ellia hung out with Pap pap and Grammy Angelo. Last week Ellia also continued to sleep 7 hrs during the night, however the time chage has caused her to get off schedule and the shots didn't help either. Here are some fun pictures from this past weekend and week.
Fun time with Mommy

Visiting with Papie Ollis
Hanging out with cousins Alex and Samantha
My yellow dress for Aunt Kelly's shower.

1 comment:

Janice said...

What a sweetie she is! Cute Pics! I HATE the time change too! Abby's off her schedule too. Whoever thought of this stupid idea is crazy or never had babies. Hope she gets back on schedule soon!