At 16 weeks, Ellia is such a little person. She is so animated and makes us smile every day. Lately she seems to be trying to roll over. Kevin had her on her stomach the other day and she starts to try and turn over. It is so amazing how they learn and change. She also is a little whiner. She does this fake cry in protest and when I walk away she stops.. it cracks me up! Little miss priss suites her just fine! The last couple of nights she has slept over 7 hours!! I am beside myself since I still get up in the middle of the night. It is nice but sometimes scares me and keeps me wondering how long this will last. It has been nice though to wake up and feel like I got a good nights rest. She still takes naps during the day as well and when she is awake she is content in her swing or other entertainer. She really is a good little girl and getting so big.

Time with Daddy!
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