Wednesday, March 18, 2009

18 weeks old!!!

My how time goes by so fast. Ellia is 18 weeks old. She changes and develops more each day. This week she found her toes, blows raspberries, reaches for things to touch, and shrieks when she doesn't get her way. Our efforts to have her sleep through the night are failing and I believe that is thanks to teething. Last night was the worst ever since her first night home. She woke up in the middle of the night and did not sleep again until 2 hours later. We will see how tonight goes.
In the mean time I am enjoying the interaction with her and how she gives me that little look as if she is telling me she loves me. St.Patty's day marks one year since I took a pregnancy test and realized that I was going to be a mom. I just can't believe how time goes by and the many blessings God had graced my family with over this year. Here are some pictures from this past week. Ellia hung out with daddy and even tried on his hat. We also visited Grandpa Ollis on Tuesday. Praise God that he is regaining his strength and there are talks of him coming home soon.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Wow! What a big girl:-) Sorry you are having trouble with her sleeping. Sounds like teething to me. Hopefully this will pass soon. HAve I ever told you about gripe water? I used that a little when Abby was teething and it helped.