What beautiful weather we ‘ve had in early Fall! Kevin and I got Ellia outside to enjoy it as much as possible. Prior to Halloween, we travelled north to Soergel Orchards Family Farm in Wexford to pick out our pumpkins and some groceries sold at their local market. Ellia loved seeing the farm animals; some sheep, goats and a humongous pig penned up on the property. She also got to walk thru the kid sized wooden town of buildings and vehicles and picked out her own pumpkin, as did the rest of the family. Dominic and daddy hung out, literally, as baby boy slept thru the whole trip slung to Daddy's chest. Here is another link to more pictures from that beautiful day. Trip to Soergel's
After Ellia had a successful poop on the potty, we took her to pick out a Halloween costume. She decided she'd like to be her favorite Disney cartoon princess Rapunzel from the movie Tangled. She demo'd the dress several times around the house before Halloween. The Thursday before Halloween, I took her trick or treating at South Hills Village Mall with her cousins Alex and Samantha, who dressed as Cinderella and Indiana Jones. They had a blast getting candy and seeing all the other kids dressed up. It has become a tradition to go trick or treating at the mall and it is hard to believe that Dominic might be able to join the group next year. Here are some more fun pictures of the kids and also our time spent with Mimi and Papa after we were done trick or treating. Click on the link below!
The next day we returned to one of our favorite places, CostCo’s (if favorite places are determined by how often they are visited – Giant Eagle is a tie for first place). The huge carts at CostCo’s are great because Ellia and Dominic can both ride at the same time! I just had to get a picture of Kevin pushing the kids.
Giant Eagle was hosting a fall festival at their Market District Store in Robinson so we enjoyed sampling some fresh fall foods. There was also a clown making balloon designs and Ellia was soon turned into a princess with a crown of her three favorite colors and a heart shaped wand.
That evening we had our neighbors from Pennsbury over for a visit. Ellia enjoyed playing with Max again and Kevin and I enjoyed Vic and Lori’s company. It was the first time they got to meet Dominic and the kids also exchanged Halloween treats! Ellia got Mr. Vic and Max to play Candy Land with her and Daddy. Ellia won of course. hehe.
The Saturday before Halloween we attended Isabella Stupakis’ second birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Ellia was looking forward to this party ever since we got the invitation. Ellia wasn’t scared of Chuck this time and even gave him a high five. She enjoyed playing with the other kids and riding the rides. Daddy and Dominic hung out with the other fathers and babies. I love seeing these guys who have been friends from the “good old days” being proud daddies. Here’s the link to see more pictures from the party. Happy 2nd Birthday Isabella
Sunday the 30th Ellia and Dominic rooted for the Steelers!
Ellia also played photo session with her babies. She loves lining up her dolls to take pictures. I can’t resist. Here are some of her proud moments being a mommy to her babies.
On Halloween we carved our pumpkins. At first Ellia didn’t like the feel of the pumpkin guts but by the third pumpkin she started to help pick out the pumpkin seeds. Kevin and I tapped into our creative gene and attempted some fun art /silly faces. I don’t think we did too bad of a job! Unfortunately the weather wasn’t cooperating for trick or treating but that didn’t stop Ellia and I from making it to some of the neighbors. She wore her purple rain coat under her dress and we headed out. Dominic was my little pumpkin for the night. Can’t believe he is 4 weeks old in these pictures. We are still adjusting to his eating habits and it seems that the swing will be his bed of choice. Ellia also enjoyed passing out candy to the kids and would sit on the steps patiently waiting for them to come up and ring the bell. We had about 60 kids come on that rainy night. Not bad for our first Halloween at the new house! Every day after that Ellia thought we should go trick or treating. Here is a link to some extra pictures from that fun night. Halloween 2011
Since the weather was so beautiful on Wednesday November 2nd we decided to surprise Ellia and take her to the zoo. We didn’t tell her were we were going until we pulled up to the gate. She was so excited and it couldn’t have been a more perfect day. All the animals were out and there were hardly any people there. Ellia said that the elephants were her favorite. We had packed a lunch and during our break some peacocks came by to eat as well. Ellia and Daddy had fun feeding them Cheetos. Dominic spent most of his first trip to the zoo sleeping and woke up for a bottle at lunch. We also got to see a polar bear finally. It seems that every time we are at the zoo we never get to see them. Ellia had a blast playing in kid kingdom with Daddy. What a wonderful day we had in the fresh air. So far I think it has been the most memorable day yet during this time off. Fall Trip to the Zoo!
The next day, even though it was chilly, we spent the afternoon outside playing bikes, chalk, bubbles and kite flying. Kevin decided to clean the garage and Ellia decided she needed to clean the other side of the house for some reason. I got some funny pictures of her efforts. Dominic hung out in the garage with Daddy taking in the fresh air.

And on November 5th we celebrated my 31st birthday. What a joy it was to wake up with my little man fast asleep on my chest and my little Ellia next to me. She likes to cuddle when she wakes up now and so does Dominic after his morning breakfast. Hehe. God has truly blessed me more than I ever deserve. To look at these little ones and know that I have been given the opportunity to be their mom is more than I could have ever asked for. We celebrated at Nana and Papa’s house with Aunt Kelly, Uncle Ron, GG Wenzel and Hannah. The Foulk’s unfortunately couldn’t make it since the little ones had colds. Here are some of the pictures from that day. What a great birthday! We were supposed to get together with Mimi and Papa and the Barkers on Sunday to celebrate my birthday, Papa’s birthday and my parents Anniversary but unfortunately Jen and Samantha and my dad were under the weather as well. Here are some great kid and family pictures from Saturday. Happy Birthday Mommy!

We took Dominic to his 1st month doctor’s appointment on Monday November 7th. He weighed in at 11 lbs, 7 oz and 22 ¼ inches long. The doctor was impressed that he had gained a little over 3 pounds in one month. He beat Ellia’s one month weight at 10lbs, 13 oz. Definitely a boy trait I would say. Ellia's babies are even looking small compared to him now!
The role of a parent has its ups and downs but this time off with my family is something Kevin and I will cherish for a very long time. I love watching Ellia’s personality, intellect, and persistence develops every day as well as Dominic growth. Thanks again for listening and the next post will be about my little lady turning the big 3! Until then, Love and Blessing as always!
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