Also, another little miss trouble moment happens when we put her in the playpen. She immediately stands up and gives us beady eyes…so funny to see these little eyes peaking over the rail as if to say, “Hey I am over here! Can’t you see me???” If we don’t pay attention to her she proceeds to pick her toys up out of the playpen and throw them across the room. Again, we tried not to laugh at her because it would make her want to do this more and more but it was too cute.

Oh and then poor Vader is still getting the brunt of it all. Ellia has discovered the sliding screen door leading to our back deck. We had Vader out there this past weekend and he was so confused because he thought Ellia was going to let him in but she was just playing with the screen. You can see his frustration in one of the pictures where he is pressing his snout up against the glass. 

And then there is the sticker incident!!! I got these smiley face Santa hat stickers with some junk mail and Daddy thought it would be fun to decorate our child. Oh man did our stomachs hurt from laughing at her expressions when we started sticking them on her. The best was when we put some on her ears like earrings. She looks like an old lady with big jewelry…. Ha-ha… Hope these pictures brighten up your day as much as they did ours.
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