Nana and Papa Angelo got her a 1st Halloween Sleeper and it makes her look like a jail bird. She even acts the part when she crawls over to her baby gate, stands up and proceeds to pull back and forth on the gate so it makes noise. I still have to figure out what she will be for Halloween. Some ideas in the running – A ballerina, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, or a cow girl.. hmmm….

This past weekend we hung out with Nana and Papa Angelo. Papa Angelo is leaving for 4 months to Indianapolis for work. He will be home every other weekend but we will miss him. I know Nana will need even more visits from Ellia now. Ellia kept Papa busy walking her around the house and she is fascinated by facial features now too so she was trying to pull Papa’s eyebrows off his face and get his teeth out of his mouth. Good thing he still has all of his own teeth in there!!!! We will keep you posted on the Halloween costume dilemma!

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