Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Champs!

Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go! Here's to the Steelers' 6 pack. Last time the Steelers won the super bowl was the year Kevin and I got married. This time we have Ellia. Ellia is about 12 weeks old now. I guess I keep saying this but, time really does go by so fast. She is talking to us so much more now and though it might not make much sense to us, I know she knows what she is saying. Sometimes it is so important for her to get something out, she stops eating just to talk. Every time I look at her, I am reminded at what a miracle she is and a blessing that God has given to Kevin and I. Life is really amazing. Here are some pictures of the past week and also from the super bowl.

1 comment:

Janice said...

What a cutie pie!!!! YAY STEELERS!