Well today Ellia is 3 months old. She is developing such a little personality. She babbles to us all the time now and gets really excited about things.. such as the TV, her jungle gym, and or mommy and daddy makeing silly faces at her. She sits in her vibrating rocker chair and will watch her Baby Enestine DVD's all the while kicking her little legs and swinging her arms around like she wants to join in with the action. I really enjoy just watching her little face make all kinds of different expressions. Even when she cries I still get a laugh at watching her persistent nature and her little lip stick out in such a pout. Then through the tears, she will give me a big smile and we will have our girl talk time. I am not sure how much she weighs now since we will not make a trip to the doctors until next month but I am guessing she is about 13 or 14 lbs. She is all about observing her surroundings and loves to be held upright. I see Kevin and I both in her features more and more.. It is just so amazing that we created her yet she is still her own little person who God has entrusted us to raise. Motherhood is such a blessing, even when it is so hard.
I go back to work in April and I am already getting upset about it. I have found a wonderful daycare facility that is on the way to work and also close to the Angelo's house. The women that work there are all older and have been with this facility for 15 years or more. We will see how I adjust. I am sure she will be fine. In the mean time, I am taking in every day and feeling grateful for the time I get to spend with Ellia. Here are some pictures from this past couple weeks.

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