Monday, March 29, 2010

Play Days

With the stretch of nice weather we have had the last couple weeks, Kevin and I have been taking Ellia (and Vader) to the local park in Pennsbury. She instantly loved everything about it. Her first favorite was the duck and squirrel rockers, then onto the swings and then the slides and tubes. We’ve probably been to the park about 5 times now and she gets braver on the slides each time. The last time we went she was going head first down the big slide. We even made a new friend. Addison has been there a couple of times and she is 2 ½ years old. I look at her and try to think how Ellia will be that age next year. Wow! Addy had bubbles she shared with Ellia and unfortunately my daughter didn’t want to give it back. So we bought our own bubbles this past weekend to try and share with Addy next time. Please excuse the outfit she has on in some of the pictures…. Mommy was trying to still wear 12 month cloths on her and I think it goes without saying that she now needs to be in 18 month cloths! Those pictures are from our first outing… I got better each time we went! Plus she had Mac n’ Cheese on her shirt from daycare… poor kid.

This past weekend we met up with cousins Alex and Samantha and had lunch. We then went to the mall and enjoyed shopping at the Disney store. Ellia went nuts, running back and forth to all the stuffed animal characters she recognized… pulling them all off the shelf too. It was too funny. She and Samantha are unstoppable now. In the Crazy 8 store for kids they have a TV and bench at the back section. Ellia and Alex were more than content to sit there and watch a show.

At the end of our shopping experience we headed to the play area. It is the first time Ellia has been to one of those. She was cautious at first but then quickly followed other kids around and played. Samantha and her really enjoyed the little slide they had. She amazes me every day just observing her and what she does. There were a couple of kids who started crying because they had to leave. Ellia got very concerned with this and decided to go over to these kids to cheer them up. She said hello and then talked in her gibberish. She also would go around to the adults sitting along the outside of the play area and say hello. She is definitely a people person. God has such big plans for her.

Sunday we saw Aunt Kelly and Uncle Ron at church and then we headed to the grocery store. We spent the rest of the rainy day just relaxing at the house. Ellia however thinks that she can go outside and to the park whenever she wants regardless of the weather. She constantly will say bye bye and up until you take her to the door. Playing with her all day was so much fun. That night we had biscotti and tea… Ellia decided she deserved her own cookie and made us laugh as she walked around trying to eat it.
Well this week on Thursday (April 1st) will be the one year mark for me going back to work. I can’t believe that! I went back and read my blog around this time last year and all the fears I had. God’s goodness is seen so much as he helped me through that adjustment. No matter how bad my day is my little miss constantly brightens up my world and gives me a glimpse of the amazing love God has for us all. I pray that each of you reading this will reflect on the glorious saving grace our God has provided. Easter is just around the corner and it is truly the most wonderful day that the history of the world has ever seen. He is Risen Indeed…EVERY Day of our lives! Love you all… blessings to you and your families.

Friday, March 19, 2010

March Madness = Gladness!!!

Ah Irish eyes are smiling! This weather is just wonderful. What a change from February. Getting some sun has really lifted our spirits. We have already had some fun adventures.
The first weekend in March we finally were able to go and visit with Valerie, Victoria and the new twin boys Bobby and Will. The babies are 3 months old already and growing nicely. This is also the first time we got to see the new house that Valerie and Huff (Bobby) built. For those of you who don’t know, Valerie is a dear friend of mine from college. She study Civil Engineering too and we roomed together for a couple years. I was also friends with her husband, who happened to study civil engineering as well, and needless to say that is where they met, fell in love and I was honored to be in their wedding party. They built (literally with their own two hands - and others too) an absolutely beautiful house. Victoria is 3 and Ellia had such a blast checking out all her toys. The girls danced together and chased each other around the house and then got into their pJ’s or jommies as Victoria calls them. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture of the boys because I was holding one and so was Valerie while watching the girls and then we put the boys to bed. Valerie just impresses me so much with those little ones. She IS wonder women. I watched her feed both boys and then pick them up and change them both too…amazing. We will have to go over again soon so the girls can play.

One sunny weekend we took a trip to Ellia’s favorite store, Costco’s. She wore her sunglasses too. Such a trendy shopper! These days Ellia keeps going up to the front door and asking to go outside. She just walks right out when you open the door and points to the birds. We have been taking walks with Vader and she thinks it’s funny when he walks next to her. With this weather however came a cold. Ellia has had one for about two weeks now. Poor thing wakes up coughing. All the kids at daycare have it though and I think the runny noses will probably last awhile.

This past weekend we hung out at Nana and Papa Angelo’s house on Sunday. Cousin Magerie was there with her Daddy. Ellia was like a little mother to Magerie. She played so nice with her and was really gentle. I guess a bonus from being at daycare with babies. The girls had fun also trying on Todd and Korey’s hats. Uncle Korey was finnally off from work and got out his Band Hero game. The girls loved banging on the drum set. It was hilarious to see everyone get into this video game. Nana, Aunt Kelly and Magerie decided to sing, Uncle Ron and Uncle Korey played the guitar and everyone else took turns on the drums.. Even mommy got to play for once but of course there isn’t a picture of me! The Angelo Family group is no where near the Partridge Family status!

Here’s also some pictures from St. Patrick’s day. Thanks Aunt Jen for the bow! Daycare provided green jello that day and Ellia enjoyed finger painting with it more than eating it. St. Patrick’s day will always be special to me. It is the day that I found out I was pregnant with my little miss! Can you believe Ellia is 16 months old??? Last year around this time I was preparing to go back to work. Time just keeps ticking by and we are trying to soak in every minute of it. I know I am probably repeating myself here but when I look at her I just can’t believe she is my daughter and I am her mother. Thank you God for your abundant blessings. We watched the move The Time Traveler’s Wife recently. A great move that makes you really think about the time you have with the ones you love. I recommend it!

I’ve also included a video of Ellia dancing. She just loves to dance (gets that from mom). Enjoy! (try to ignore the bad singing in the background at times..haha)