These past couple of weeks her independence has really come through, her vocabulary increased, her taste buds challenged and her activities expanded. At a 1st birthday party for our neighbor Max she quickly picked up on what all the other kids were doing and soon was chasing beach balls and balloons around the room. Then we went to Great Grandma’s house and entertained GG by trying to find GG’s belly button, dancing to all of the nursery rhymes she knows and eating cheese curls.

Then it was off to Nana’s and Papa’s to see Papa Angelo who has been out of town for work. She entertained us all by putting daddy’s hat on her head. She also saw all of us playing the Wii Fit game and decided she had to try it out. She wasn’t just happy letting us hold her and play the game, she had to be standing on the board too.
Her newest word she likes to say is Happy Birthday. We sang to her with a match stick the one night (while she decided to eat ice-cream with a spoon) and she tries to sing it now. Which is perfect because cousin Samantha’s 1st birthday party is this weekend so we are practicing.

Then there is DVD mania. She LOVES her DVD’s. Mostly it is the Nursery Rhyme ones or Bareny because it involves a lot of singing and dancing. She knows where the videos are and pulls them off the shelf to bring them over to you and asks for more. She gets super excited when you turn on the dvd player and when she sees the FBI warning on the video we usually get a clap or an “ooooohhh” from her. Daddy and I know these videos inside and out and are getting a little nutty from them. Time to get new ones for our own sanity. She just dances away.. the cutes thing ever! The DVD’s even came with a CD so we have now been listening to them in the car. I get to listen to them every day to and from work. And if you switch the channel she gets really upset. Oh the joy of motherhood! It still makes me smile though…hearing her try to sing or say the words or make the animal noises. She has to have her dolly and blanket too.

This past weekend it was a time to enjoy the boundaries of food! Haha. She tried some of Great Grandma Angelo’s stuffed cabbage and loved it! Then while she was eating fishes for a snack with Daddy, Mommy brought out a box of dark chocolate and she threw the bag of fishes aside to get to the box. She of course wanted to touch all of the piece (looks like we will not be giving out any of these chocolates to guest) and then she picked up one and tried to take a huge bite. I guess she remembered what dark chocolate was from the womb since Mommy practically ate it every day while pregnant. So we let her try some and she smiled from ear to ear. Then later on that day we had her favorite, avocado. This girl loves avocado but this time she insisted on using the spoon herself. Kevin and I were laughing so hard because if you even tried to help her or even assist her with holding the spoon she would burst into tears. We have been using the counting method (counting to five) to get her to calm down when she throws her little fits so you can see us trying this in one of the pictures (not working too well).

Her newest word she likes to say is Happy Birthday. We sang to her with a match stick the one night (while she decided to eat ice-cream with a spoon) and she tries to sing it now. Which is perfect because cousin Samantha’s 1st birthday party is this weekend so we are practicing.

Then there is DVD mania. She LOVES her DVD’s. Mostly it is the Nursery Rhyme ones or Bareny because it involves a lot of singing and dancing. She knows where the videos are and pulls them off the shelf to bring them over to you and asks for more. She gets super excited when you turn on the dvd player and when she sees the FBI warning on the video we usually get a clap or an “ooooohhh” from her. Daddy and I know these videos inside and out and are getting a little nutty from them. Time to get new ones for our own sanity. She just dances away.. the cutes thing ever! The DVD’s even came with a CD so we have now been listening to them in the car. I get to listen to them every day to and from work. And if you switch the channel she gets really upset. Oh the joy of motherhood! It still makes me smile though…hearing her try to sing or say the words or make the animal noises. She has to have her dolly and blanket too.

This past weekend it was a time to enjoy the boundaries of food! Haha. She tried some of Great Grandma Angelo’s stuffed cabbage and loved it! Then while she was eating fishes for a snack with Daddy, Mommy brought out a box of dark chocolate and she threw the bag of fishes aside to get to the box. She of course wanted to touch all of the piece (looks like we will not be giving out any of these chocolates to guest) and then she picked up one and tried to take a huge bite. I guess she remembered what dark chocolate was from the womb since Mommy practically ate it every day while pregnant. So we let her try some and she smiled from ear to ear. Then later on that day we had her favorite, avocado. This girl loves avocado but this time she insisted on using the spoon herself. Kevin and I were laughing so hard because if you even tried to help her or even assist her with holding the spoon she would burst into tears. We have been using the counting method (counting to five) to get her to calm down when she throws her little fits so you can see us trying this in one of the pictures (not working too well).

We have started keeping a list of words she says (or at least tries to say that we understand) and it is up to 27 words! And the best is when she picks up her books and read the story.. haha.. she just babbles but she really seems to try and tell you what is going on by pointing to pictures.
Oh little miss. How you have grown. She is what keeps me going everyday and gets me through those times when you just don’t want to do the everyday routine. I still look at her when she falls asleep in my arms and can’t believe she is mine. I am sure I will do that for the rest of my life. Well, probably not get to rock her to sleep but just look at her in wonder that I was chosen to be her mother. Thank you Lord again for this precious gift!
Well this weekend like I mentioned is Samantha’s 1st birthday so I am sure we will have a lot of fun photo’s and stories to share.
Oh little miss. How you have grown. She is what keeps me going everyday and gets me through those times when you just don’t want to do the everyday routine. I still look at her when she falls asleep in my arms and can’t believe she is mine. I am sure I will do that for the rest of my life. Well, probably not get to rock her to sleep but just look at her in wonder that I was chosen to be her mother. Thank you Lord again for this precious gift!
Well this weekend like I mentioned is Samantha’s 1st birthday so I am sure we will have a lot of fun photo’s and stories to share.
1 comment:
She is growing so quickly!!! Isn't it great when they become independent and can tell you EXACTLY what they want? (Well, sometimes it's great, haha). What a sweet little girl. I can't help but think when I read your posts, just how blessed this little girl is and what a great job you guys are doing as parents. One day, hopefully little Ellia and Abby and Jake can meet. They'd all LOVE each other:-)
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