Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Last Friday I had to take Ellia to the doctors. She had this rash that seemed to be getting worse and we couldn’t figure out what was causing it. The doctor told me that she had “slapped cheek virus” or rather fifth disease. What I thought was teething the weekend before was really this virus. He told me that when infants have a virus it usually ends with a rash. In this case, Ellia’s rash looked like someone slapped her cheeks and it was spreading to her arms, torso and legs. She is alright now and the rash was a good sign letting us know that she wasn’t contagious and getting better. The rash is completely gone now and I guess I’m learning something new all the time with her... that's what being a mom is all about.
This Labor Day weekend was a great time for us to relax. We joined some friends Friday night for dinner, Saturday we did some much needed grocery shopping and then just relaxed. We were going to go to the rib cook off in town and after driving down there, determined it was too congested with the cook off, Pitt game earlier that day and then a Pirate game going on.

Sunday was church and then we headed over to Aunt Kelly’s and Uncle Ron’s for a cook out to celebrate Nana Angelo’s birthday. Aunt Kristin was there with cousin Magerie. The girls are just too cute with each other and I can’t wait to see what they will be like together when they get older.
We even brought Vader with us to have a reunion with his brother Bo, however the two of them acted like complete strangers and fought for awhile. After a couple hours they finally accepted each other and got along. Monday was another day to just enjoy each other. Watching movies, cleaning and taking a walk were the majority of our activities for the day.
Ellia is now starting to pull herself up on her knees and moving around the floor by “scooting” more than ever. She also blows kisses now. Everything she says is usually “Da, Da, Da…” and I am still working on the Ma Ma part. This Friday the 11th she will be 10 months old!!!! Only a couple more months until she is 1!
The efforts with the house we found are still underway. We got pre-approved for a loan and will probably make an offer this weekend!!!! Keep those fingers crossed still!

Miss Magerie Delilah Foulk - almost 4 months

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