Ellia slept through the first hour of the party but woke up in time to see Charlotte opening her gifts! It was raining hard when we arrived but cleared up allowing us to still have a good time. Poor Charlotte is allergic to wheat, milk, and eggs so Kristen had to make her a special smash cake to enjoy. I keep wondering when Ellia will get hair like Charlotte, however Charlotte had a great amount of hair when she was born.

After opening gifts, we had Charlotte, Ellia, and Samantha all interact together. It was cute to see how they each got around… Charlotte crawls, Ellia scoots, and Samantha shimmies around on her stomach like an army crawl. We then took a picture of us moms with the girls.. we have been trying to do this at each get together and it all started when we had our baby bumps.

Well we are getting closer and closer to reaching the 11th month mark for Ellia… which means we are getting closer and closer to her turning 1!!!!!! These days she loves to hold on to anything that allows her to walk. She is pulling herself up into a standing position at daycare and another tooth has popped up next to the other two she already has. She is getting smarter and smarter when it comes to getting around to what she wants. She loves to eat chicken pieces, avocado , peas (still) and cheese. A couple of weekends back we went to the Strip District to shop with friends Dave and Lauren.. it was like taking Ellia to the Zoo. Woolies was a fun time!!!!

With fall here, it is time to break out the warmer cloths. I also have to still decide what Ellia will be for her first Halloween. Any ideas???? Vader and her interact more and more… she laughs at him all the time and tries to grab onto him to pull herself up. In the mornings she will scoot herself over to his gate and tempt him with her toys. It will be interesting when she actually starts following him around.