We tried to get the cousin’s together for a picture but Zoe was too quick for the camera. The babies are so cute together. It is nice that the girls are all close in age and I am sure we will have many more pictures of them all in the years to come.
Then it was off to the Bohonak side of the family to visit cousins from California. Twin’s Jack (1st pic) and William are about a 2 month’s older than Ellia. The boys also have an older sister Katy. She is 4 ½ and moves just as fast as Alex does, so sorry no pictures.

Grandma Ollis' birthday was on the 15th. We enjoyed a nice meal at the Fish Market.
Cousin Amy (the California twin’s mom) inspired me to try some homemade food with Ellia. Ellia now likes avocados and zucchini. She also enjoys baby yogurt and the cereal puffs. I am going to try homemade peaches soon and some other food too. We give her apple juice now too.. she is getting too big! She tries to taste whatever we eat. Daddy usually lets her and she usually opens her mouth to receive more. This past week her two bottom teeth broke through. She also is rolling over more from her back to her stomach and constantly moving around on the floor but no crawling yet!
This past weekend was cousin Carly’s high school graduation party. Carly was in our wedding and I also remember when she was born. It hit me that my graduation party from high school was 10 years ago! It was fun to see all the pictures of her growing up over the years and compare when she was a baby with Ellia. Again, an immediate reminder that I am a mom who is raising a daughter…remind me to look back at this blog when Ellia is graduating.. God willing! We enjoyed the interaction again between Samantha, Ellia and Alex.
Then Sunday was Kevin’s first Father’s Day. Kevin went golfing with his dad, cousins and uncles. I met my parents and the Barker family at church and then we all went to Eat n’ Park for Lunch. Ellia was having so much fun watching Alex entertain her. My dad really enjoyed himself, and I constantly thank God for healing and strengthening him so he can enjoy this time with his grand kids.
We then headed to Grandma and Grandpa Angelo’s house to meet up with Daddy and celebrate! Daddy wore his Super Dad shirt that Aunt Jen got him. Papa enjoyed his first Grandpa Day. Cousin Magerie was there also. She is getting big (but still so tiny) and the ladies enjoyed getting their newborn fix.

Well this week we have been enjoying this beautiful weather by exercising at the track with Ellia in her jogger stroller. She usually falls asleep while we try to burn off the calories from all these parties! Kevin and I are looking forward to our week of vacation starting July3rd. We are staying in the burgh and hope to explore around town. Until next time…love and blessings as always.