Wednesday, January 21, 2009

10 weeks - "Here We Go Steelers"

Ellia turned 10 weeks old on Tuesday. This past weekend was exciting with the Steelers winning the playoffs to g0 to the super bowl. Ellia supported the team at the Angelo's. The dogs enjoyed each others company in the snow. Kevin and his dad threw snowballs to them in the back yard. Bo and Zoey caught them in their mouths while Vader and Jake just let the snowballs hit them in the head! Ellia and I are patiently waiting for the arrival of her new cousin Samantha. My sister will be induced on Friday if she doesn't go before then. Here are some pictures from this past weekend and the last couple of days. I can't get over how much Ellia changes each week.

Steeler Fun and watching the game with Daddy

Dogs in the snow at the Angelo's
Mommy's friend Beth came to visit

Play time in my rain forest

1 comment:

Janice said...

Go STEELERS!!! We have to dig out our terrible towel and Steeler's garb for Abby:-) Ellia is growing like a weed! So beautiful!