Well the doctor has decided to have me induced tomorrow, 11/11/08. I am 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Ellia could come on her own tonight but if not I am schedule to go to the hospital between 7-7:30 am. Here are a couple pictures of my last day being pregnant! I can't believe that we will be able to hold our little one tomorrow. Thank you all for you support and prayers. We will be sending pictures as soon as we can. Our little Ellia bean will be here soon!!!!!!!

I'll be thinking about you and praying for you tomorrow! At least the end is in sight now. I was supposed to be induced and went in for my scheduled induction to find I was 8cm dilated and in active labor already! I ended up still having my labor augmented with pitocin to keep my contractions strong, but I had a really good experience and I know you will too. November 11 sounds like a great day to have a baby. Good luck, Mommy! You will do great tomorrow!
Good Luck Christina! We all can't wait to meet little Miss Ellia! Post lots of pics!!
Love Wendy, John, Zoe and soon to be Mia
Congrats!!! So excited to see new baby Ellia! Hope you're doing well! Can't wait to come see you guys...we'd love to come see you this Saturday if you wouldnt mind visitors. Let us know! :) Love Nikkie, Mike, Enzo, Pookie & Skylar!
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