For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
You read it right! Ellia is going to have a baby brother come October! We found out about 2 weeks ago. We took off from work on Friday May 13th (gasp!) to go to the ultrasound and Ellia was super excited. She kept asking to hold the baby and the whole time on our way there kept saying it was a brother. I guess I should have listened to her. She walked proudly into the office holding Daddy’s hand and sat patiently until we were seen. When we started the ultrasound she kept asking what the image was on the screen. We told her it was the baby in Mommy’s belly. And then she would say “Awww.. baby! I have a baby in my belly like Mommy!” Let’s hope not!!! When we were told it was a boy, she started changing her tune to wanting a sister!!!! Guess you can’t please them all the time. It was truly a blessed day. Our little family of 3 is expanding to 4!!! Now we are evened out!!!

My mind could not (and sometimes still can’t) wrap around the thought of having another little person in our lives that was just as wonderful as Ellia. And a boy no less! How different and challenging it would be. Never having a brother, it seemed odd to me to think that I would be the mother of a boy! My little girl seems so big to me all of a sudden. No longer the baby I held in my arms but a little lady she is turning into. She will be a wonderful big sister. She loves babies and I often see her attempting to change her baby doll diapers, feed them and put them to sleep. I catch her saying to them phrases I say to her and telling them she loves them. And to think God will bless us with even more love through this little one. God is good all the time! I am really looking forward to meeting our new little gift to experience, love, and raise. So the Ellia Bean Blog will now depict the adventures of plus 1!!! And how different and new it will be but wonderful at the same time.
After the ultrasound we headed to lunch… where else then Ellia’s favorite, Chick-fil-A! We did some shopping in the mall and let Ellia play on the rides there. That night Nana & Papa and Uncle Korey brought pizza over to the house and we went out for ice-cream.
You read it right! Ellia is going to have a baby brother come October! We found out about 2 weeks ago. We took off from work on Friday May 13th (gasp!) to go to the ultrasound and Ellia was super excited. She kept asking to hold the baby and the whole time on our way there kept saying it was a brother. I guess I should have listened to her. She walked proudly into the office holding Daddy’s hand and sat patiently until we were seen. When we started the ultrasound she kept asking what the image was on the screen. We told her it was the baby in Mommy’s belly. And then she would say “Awww.. baby! I have a baby in my belly like Mommy!” Let’s hope not!!! When we were told it was a boy, she started changing her tune to wanting a sister!!!! Guess you can’t please them all the time. It was truly a blessed day. Our little family of 3 is expanding to 4!!! Now we are evened out!!!
My mind could not (and sometimes still can’t) wrap around the thought of having another little person in our lives that was just as wonderful as Ellia. And a boy no less! How different and challenging it would be. Never having a brother, it seemed odd to me to think that I would be the mother of a boy! My little girl seems so big to me all of a sudden. No longer the baby I held in my arms but a little lady she is turning into. She will be a wonderful big sister. She loves babies and I often see her attempting to change her baby doll diapers, feed them and put them to sleep. I catch her saying to them phrases I say to her and telling them she loves them. And to think God will bless us with even more love through this little one. God is good all the time! I am really looking forward to meeting our new little gift to experience, love, and raise. So the Ellia Bean Blog will now depict the adventures of plus 1!!! And how different and new it will be but wonderful at the same time.
After the ultrasound we headed to lunch… where else then Ellia’s favorite, Chick-fil-A! We did some shopping in the mall and let Ellia play on the rides there. That night Nana & Papa and Uncle Korey brought pizza over to the house and we went out for ice-cream.
A really neat day I would say.
But the excitement did not stop there. Saturday we headed to the strip district and enjoyed some shopping and then that afternoon we went to see a house we liked. It is in a location we want to live, has 4 bedrooms and is only 2 ½ years old. We decided to put an offer in on Monday to see what would happen… well wouldn’t you know it!!!

We close at the end of June so keep your fingers crossed all goes well!!!
It definitely has been an adventurous last couple of weeks and we are seeing the plans that God has for us fall into place. Now there is painting, packing, and moving to concentrate on…
But the excitement did not stop there. Saturday we headed to the strip district and enjoyed some shopping and then that afternoon we went to see a house we liked. It is in a location we want to live, has 4 bedrooms and is only 2 ½ years old. We decided to put an offer in on Monday to see what would happen… well wouldn’t you know it!!!

We close at the end of June so keep your fingers crossed all goes well!!!
It definitely has been an adventurous last couple of weeks and we are seeing the plans that God has for us fall into place. Now there is painting, packing, and moving to concentrate on…