The weather hasn’t been that friendly and we’ve had our taste of some warm days that give a glimmer of what is to come but the rain has been relentless this month. However,that has not stopped us from having a good time!
At the end of March Ellia went to her first “friend from school” birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Her friend Addison was turning 3 and the majority of her friends from school were at the party. Ellia wasn’t too excited about the actual Chuck E but she did love the rides and games…and of course the pizza. It was so cute to see all the kids outside of the class room. Ellia will often ask to go to Chuck E Cheese and so we may have to make another trip sometime soon.
In April we celebrated Adam and Julia Curry’s birthdays at a bowling ally and Ellia had a blast. We finally got to meet baby Reese and Ellia even held Reese. Ellia loved bowling! The hand blower seemed to be of much entertainment value for her and with the help of the bumpers,her score wasn’t so bad. She also told us that she loved the cake and pizza but most of all she loved hanging out with Aunt Wendy in the arcade.

Weekends in-between were spent planning Baby Hannah’s shower! April 16th it all came together and we celebrated in style! All of our efforts to make it the cutest baby shower ever really paid off and Kelly was extremely pleased. The theme was baby zoo animals with a lot of concentration on monkeys since Kelly loves monkeys. Hope you can make out the saying on the cake! The cousins loved playing with each other and helping Aunt Kelly open gifts. Uncle Ron came at the end with flowers and got a special gift from Hannah, guitar books with Christian songs he can learn to play and sing to her. Congratulations Kelly and Ron!!!! Hannah we can’t wait to meet you!!! June 4th can’t come soon enough.

Weekends in-between were spent planning Baby Hannah’s shower! April 16th it all came together and we celebrated in style! All of our efforts to make it the cutest baby shower ever really paid off and Kelly was extremely pleased. The theme was baby zoo animals with a lot of concentration on monkeys since Kelly loves monkeys. Hope you can make out the saying on the cake! The cousins loved playing with each other and helping Aunt Kelly open gifts. Uncle Ron came at the end with flowers and got a special gift from Hannah, guitar books with Christian songs he can learn to play and sing to her. Congratulations Kelly and Ron!!!! Hannah we can’t wait to meet you!!! June 4th can’t come soon enough.
We finished off the weekend by taking Ellia to get her first round of Dairy Queen. It was a little cold outside but she didn’t seem to mind! I’m looking forward to many more precious pictures like this come summer time (minus the fur coat!).

And finally Easter Weekend! What a wonderful weekend it was to celebrate the love of Christ and His wonderful gift He blesses us all with. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, so that that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

And finally Easter Weekend! What a wonderful weekend it was to celebrate the love of Christ and His wonderful gift He blesses us all with. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, so that that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter as well. We enjoyed celebrating this special occasion with family and friends. Friday night we headed to Uncle Todd’s fire hall’s fish fry. The girls like checking out the fire engine and the fish was delicious.
Saturday morning Ellia played with her Easter basket she got from her teachers at school and posed for me in her bunny ears. She is such a ham and getting way too big. She would ask me just for one bite of basically everything.

Saturday afternoon we headed to my parents house (Mimi and Papa’s). The kids had a ball finding all the eggs that my parents hid around the house. The girls were so funny because they would find an egg, open it right away and starting eating whatever was inside. We then ate the delicious meal prepared and exchanged Easter gifts. Ellia had such a fun time playing with her cousins.

Resurrection Sunday! Ellia started off the morning with another Easter egg hunt. She again had to open each egg to find out what was inside. Vader wanted to help too! We then headed to Church to celebrate what Easter is truly all about!
This past week we enjoyed some 70 degree weather. I’m hoping it continues to get better each week and May will get us ready for summer. Next weekend is Mother’s Day and Kevin’s Birthday so let the celebration continue!!! Love you all and hope to post more soon, in the mean time… enjoy those you love!
Saturday afternoon we headed to my parents house (Mimi and Papa’s). The kids had a ball finding all the eggs that my parents hid around the house. The girls were so funny because they would find an egg, open it right away and starting eating whatever was inside. We then ate the delicious meal prepared and exchanged Easter gifts. Ellia had such a fun time playing with her cousins.
Resurrection Sunday! Ellia started off the morning with another Easter egg hunt. She again had to open each egg to find out what was inside. Vader wanted to help too! We then headed to Church to celebrate what Easter is truly all about!
Then it was off to Nana and Papa’s later on that day. Ellia was so hyped up on candy and the events that all transpired that the only nap she got was in the car on the way to Nana and Papa’s. Again, the cousins had fun playing, eating ice-cream cake and opening their gifts.

This past week we enjoyed some 70 degree weather. I’m hoping it continues to get better each week and May will get us ready for summer. Next weekend is Mother’s Day and Kevin’s Birthday so let the celebration continue!!! Love you all and hope to post more soon, in the mean time… enjoy those you love!