Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2010 Snow!

We haven’t had this much snow since 1993. I remember I was 12 going on 13 that year and just loved being home from school with my family. We were able to sled ride in the streets and my friend and I made many forts. I think every year after that when snow was predicted I would look out my bedroom window and hope for another blizzard to snow us all in and give us a break for the everyday routine.
Well my wish came true this past weekend. However it would have been nice if it was during the week and not the weekend so I could miss school…I mean work! Haha… However it was a nice time to be together. Friday I was able to leave work early and Kevin made it home okay too. That night we kept opening the door and seeing the progress.

We thought there was so much then until we got up the next day. Luckily our neighbor bought a shovel and generously dug us out so we could take the dog out. Kevin passed along the favor and generously dug out the neighbors on the other side of us.

Then unluckily our electricity went off around 8:30am. Kevin was in the middle of making bacon and pancakes and Ellia couldn’t figure out why her program on TV had disappeared. So there was only one thing really left for us to do and that was to dig the cars out and go see what was happening in the neighborhood. Kevin was the first to afventure out and then Ellia and I got bundled up and headed out after she ate and played. She did not like me getting her dressed in all the layers nor did she want her scarf or gloves on. However that all changed when we got outside and she realized it would keep her warm.

She was so funny. She looked like the purple abdominal snow lady. She just wanted to get down and walk around and it was hard for her though because she could only go so far and so fast…we had a couple of face plants and falls. I am such a terrible mother.. taking pictures of my fallen child. The snow monds are as tall or even taller than she is and i just love watching her walk through them with her purple fur bum!
A couple of our friends came down and we had our radio on and some beers while we dug out the cars. It was like a block party because everyone was out digging. All we needed was a football and a grill (which was a possible idea since we have electric stoves that weren't working and everyone was hungry!) The dog had a blast running around free in the street and Ellia thought he was so funny.
So here are some pictures of the day’s events as well as some of the crazy shots of the snow and just how much of it there was…or still is. Our electricity came back on around 1pm after Ellia was down for a nap right after coming inside. She was falling asleep in my arms outside, probably from being so warm in all the layers she had on. Sunday we just stayed in and Monday I stayed home from work with little miss. Now there is supposed to be even more snow coming so I may get my days off from school again… haha. Hope everyone is okay and warm and has power.

A special thank you to Nana and Papa Angelo for getting little miss this adorable snow suit! She is also wearing a pink Nike hat from Patty and Billy Bohonak as well as Mama's scarf from when I was a little girl. Thanks Mimi for getting it to us! Love ya all.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Samantha’s 1st Birthday

This past Saturday was cousin Samantha’s 1st Birthday party. The theme was cupcakes and my mom and sister did a wonderful job of incorporating the theme into just about everything! They made the centerpieces that were adorable and the cake was actually cupcakes made to look like one giant cupcake. Kristen Zollinger made cookies to look like cupcakes and there were even hand towels and bowls with cupcakes on them. So Samantha of course had a dress with a cupcake on it. We are having way too much fun with these girls and all the pink and frills. Therefore this entry has to be in pink also!

It was so much fun to see all the kids that were there. Charlotte and Ellia are about the same height now and walking around everywhere. They made me laugh as they interacted together. I wonder what is going on in those little heads. Charlotte looks like Dora the Explorer with her long dark hair and those big beautiful brown eyes. Ellia and Charlotte helped clean up while Samantha opened her gifts. They were so funny picking up the bows and tissue paper and throwing them away. They also sometimes opened gifts before Samantha even got her hands on them. Just girls helping each other out!

It is so hard to believe that the three girls are now all 1. Here are some updated generation photos too. What a great time we had at the party and how great it is to know there are many more to celebrate with each other.