The party was a huge success. The weather was wonderful, the décor was spectacular (if I do say so myself :)), the guests were numerous (haha), the food was plentiful, and the birthday princess was decked out in pink! Ellia was a birthday princess if there ever was one. From her hair, to her dress, to her socks, and right down to her shoes, she was set to party it up all night long. And all night long she did! She was up until 11:30pm. There were a lot of babies that made it to the party and our neighbor Max and cousin Samantha brought their walkers along. When the party was finished and the tables moved out of the way, Ellia, Samantha, and Max played bumper cars. Poor Max was so worn out that he was falling asleep while his Daddy tried to feed him his night time sack. We had such a wonderful time that day. Very memorable. Thank you to all the friends and family who were apart of this special day and who helped in so many ways. Ellia was just taking it all in. She loved opening the gifts but was a little leery about smashing her cake. I think it was because everyone sang to her and then was staring at her.

Some updates too – We went to her first year appointment this past week and she is 20lbs 14oz and 29 inches long. She has two molars (in addition to her 5 bottom teeth) that have poked through and two that are almost there. She is working on walking more and more. We were at a wedding this past weekend and she was standing very well on her own. She also would bend over touch the ground and stand back up. She loves to point at things and ask “what’s that?” And when you ask her how big she is she holds up her pointer finger to show you she is 1!
I hope to have pictures to post after Thanksgiving, however my camera broke and I feel like someone cut off my right hand!!! Hope to be back in business soon. We are also getting Ellia’s one year pictures taken this weekend so hope to be able to post some of those too. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with all those you love!