Ellia's cousin Samantha had her baptism, then there was Daddy's 31st birthday, then my first mother's day (Kevin got me 2 dozen white roses and made dinner, also got a card from my little girl - I still can't believe I am a mom). Ellias LOVES daycare too.. The women there say she is always so happy. I really feel blessed to have these women taking care of her for me. For mother's day they had muffins for Mom..we got muffins, fruit, a flower in a vase and a card from our children. It made my Monday.

Ellia also loves bath time! She would turn into a fish if we let her stay in the tub as long as she wanted. She really likes the water when we spay her off. Bo is very curious and watches her the whole time. The blow up duck tub is the best invention yet!

We started some solid food with Ellia. She doesn't like the veggies that much but is all about fruit. She is getting better every day. At first is was really difficult to handle the concept of a spoon. Daddy even let her try some ice cream.. I think that was her favorite!

We got some bathing suits and a pool to try out since the weather has been so nice. I will update with pictures during our first swim! Until next time, God bless.