Well my little princess has turned ONE! I cannot believe that a year has gone by already. Throughout the day I reminisced about last year and the events of that blessed day. I smiled at the thoughts I had and fears too. I looked through pictures of that day and thanked the Lord again for all he has provided our family. Kevin and I never knew a love like this. It is the most fulfilling and challenging experience. It makes me think more and appreciate all that our parents did for us. It makes me realize that my mom isn’t crazy for being worried all the time over her children’s’ safety and where abouts. It makes me feel humbled and joyful at the same time. It is the most precious gift…this love that knows no limits. It makes me connect more and share more… to laugh more and play more.. to slow down and soak in the moment.. to give more and expect less.. to sing more, cry more, and pray more too.. oh who would have thought that all of these things could be wrapped up in the birth of our little bundle of joy only a year ago.

In this short year she has tested us in so many ways. Her personality is worn right on her chubby checked face. We call her Miss Priss and for good reason. She is a strong willed child and sometimes my frustrations seeps up inside when her temper comes out. I think of the stories my mom told me about when I was little and would throw myself down on the floor in a rage. This sometimes helps me chuckle and easy my feelings, which I am sure will be something I will need to do quite often. She can be as sweet as pie too, giving hugs and kisses, dancing to music, talking her talk and walking her walk!
I see both Kevin and I in her more and more. Not just her looks but her actions and personality. Sleeping habits- dad.. haha Eating habits – both of us.. attention span – dad…girly side – well I hope that is me!
She just makes me smile all the time.. even when I think I am mad at her it usually ends with me laughing.. I will have to remember to read this when she is 16!

So Wednesday we went to day care and took in some cupcakes for all the little ones. Ellia wore her “Hurray I’m 1” shirt that Aunt Jen got her. I took a couple of pictures of the daycare group. The only boy in the class (Henry) is supposedly Ellia’s boyfriend. This is what the ladies tell me. Apparently they hold hands when they are in the high chairs, he follows her around when she “cruises” the furniture, and he helps put her pacifier back in her mouth. Whenever I come to pick her up he is all smiles and follows us around. Too cute!

In the picture is Lilly (little baby) Addison, Gracie, far back corner is Cadence then Henry and Ellia. They had their cupcakes at lunch and sang to Ellia.
That night we had our own celebration. Our neighbors, Lori, Vic, and baby Max came to visit too. This weekend (Saturday) is her princess party and I am sure we will have many pictures to post.

Thanks for letting me reminisce and to all those that follow this blog. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.