This week has been full of fun. Last weekend we had our first Christmas party where we hung out with very pregnant Aunt Jen and friend Charlotte who is 3 months old. Sunday was Grandpa Angelo's birthday. This week we visited Daddy at the office. He was so proud to show off Ellia. She was a big hit! She is growing so much and nearly out of all her newborn cloths. She allowed mommy to finally get up the Christmas decorations and mail out the Christmas cards this week as well. Daddy also had daughter bonding time this week so mommy could do some shopping. This weekend mom and dad hope to have a date night! Enjoy some pictures from this past week.
Ellia is one month old this week! Hard to believe. She had her one month check up and weights 10lbs. 11oz and is now 21 3/4 inches long. She is in the 75th percentile. Her coordination skills are developing more and more as she follows objects and tries to focus in on peoples faces. This past week we had Great Grandma Angelo's birthday, visited Grandma Ollis and Aunt Jen at work, went to the mall and to target. Here ares some pictures from this past week. Vader even helped watch Ellia with Daddy.
Ellia is 3 weeks old already. I keep thinking back to when she was born and how much she has changed. Here are some pictures during her "pleasant" time. Pleasant is in quotes because they don't last too long!